Virtual Card

Virtual Cards are digital representations of physical credit or debit cards. In the realm of Conceal ID, these cards add an extra layer of security, allowing users to generate one-time or merchant-locked virtual cards for specific transactions

Commercial/Business Credit Cards

Explore a realm of financial control with our Commercial/Business Credit Cards. Tailored for corporate use, these cards offer enhanced security features, spending controls, and detailed reporting, ensuring businesses can navigate the digital landscape confidently.

Consumer Credit Cards

For individual users seeking a personalized financial experience, our Consumer Credit Cards provide a gateway to secure transactions. Enjoy the flexibility of setting spending limits and the peace of mind that comes with Conceal ID's advanced security protocols.

How Does It Work?

Conceal ID's functionality revolves around empowering users with control and security. Users can create virtual cards on demand, set spending limits, and even utilize merchant-locked cards for heightened transaction specificity. The AI-enabled features automate reconciliation and provide detailed insights into spending patterns.

Card Security

Your security is our utmost priority. Conceal ID employs robust security measures, including encryption, two-factor authentication, and advanced fraud detection. Rest assured that your financial data remains shielded from potential threats.

Virtual Card Business Glossary

  • One-Time Card: A virtual card designed for a single transaction, ensuring maximum security.
  • Merchant-Locked Card: A card exclusively tied to a specific merchant, preventing unauthorized use.
  • AI-Enabled Reconciliation: Automated reconciliation of expenses using artificial intelligence.
  • Real-Time Authorization Control: The ability to approve or decline transactions instantly.
  • Spending Limits: Personalized caps set on virtual card transactions to prevent overcharges.